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small tastes

taste & see the beauty of the moment.

vibrant vibrating

when the light glowed like this on the grass, i was aware of something so transcendent it made my eyes vibrate, and my insides, too.

i'm always so grateful when i push myself to get out and follow what i know is right to keep me in balance: moving, seeing green. living in the village-like historic center of florence is the perfect sanctuary for me- and it is completed by the green of its tucked-away sacred gardens and its perfectly beautiful hillsides, just feet from the edge of the busyness of town, where instantly you feel miles out in the middle of the tuscan countryside.

these two "habitats" combined make my anima, my soul, my "anima-l" wild part of my self, feel fed, and like the almost-ferrel pet that i am, allows me to run amuck and stretch my legs freely, using all my senses, especially smelling everything, and feeling the moist air, the warm sun, on my skin.

several years ago stateside, out of nowhere, a colleague commented suddenly one morning, "you're just barely domesticated, aren't you?" an odd and fascinating comment at the time, but perhaps this is the part of us that remains intact and wildly alive if nourished and claimed, listened to.

that animal self that loves to roll down the hill, enjoys the pieces of grass that cling to her when she gets up, and throws off her shoes at any patch, however small and wherever it happens, of green grass bare to the sky to allow herself to touch her naked bare feet to the chocolatey-rich-earth.

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